#FlashbackFriday to days gone by.... Here’s this feature story Karole Honas did about Wild Love Preserve for Ch8 News back in May 2014 when we still had our wild guys and gals separate as per BLM requirements. That August we finally were able to turn them out together to our leased 400-acres thanks to a generous donation from The Earth and Humanity Foundation.
“Andrea Maki, an artist from the state of Washington, has done the impossible. She has gotten the Bureau of Land Management, the community of Challis and Custer County, the area cattle ranchers and environmentalists to work together with WLP. If this model for mustang management works, it could save the wild mustangs, the environment they live in and bring new money to the tiny town of Challis…. and finally be a solution for wild horse management across the West.” — Karole Honas, Ch8/ABC Nightly News, Idaho Falls, May 2014
Watch here: bit.ly/wlp-news-may2014