April 1, 2022 marked our 12th anniversary. As Wild Love Preserve enters our twelfth year of wild horse conservation on public and private land our Keeping It Wild campaign is to raise a minimum of $500,000 toward wild horse operations, conservation, and education programs. Securing this amount through donations, grants, and sponsorships helps support our adopted 200+ Challis-Idaho wild horses - including the remaining 42 we adopted from the BLMs 2019 helicopter roundup that needed placement and an additional 8 in 2022.
As per our mission, our adoptions and purchase of Challis wild horses from the BLMs 2019 roundup that were not otherwise adopted are in keeping with the 130+ wild lives we secured following the 2012 Challis roundup. Once with us, they live forever wild and together in their natural habitat at Wild Love Preserve. We do not adopt out or gentle any wild horses.
100% of every donation supports our boots-on-the-ground work. Thank you for considering a tax-deductible donation. The difference you make with your generous support makes all the difference in wild lives and their lasting wildness.
Thank you for helping us, help them.
Love is Action.
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Wild Love Preserve is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit, Effective August 2010, Tax ID #27-3729450