Wild Love VIDEOS
Watch them in motion. Here are just some of the hundreds of wild lives we've saved and serve, from Wild Love Preserve's adopted 200+ Challis-Idaho wild horses to those roaming free on the range. Their beauty, wildness, sounds, movements, up-close details, and unique personalities, bring us joy, wonder, love and admiration. Enjoy this random selection of Wild Love videos from our YouTube playlist which reflect various moments and steps from this wild journey set in motion in April 2010.
All Videos By Andrea Maki, Copyrighted, All Rights Reserved.
Off The Beaten Path: Wild Mustangs. A 10-Min Segment From Hour Wild Mustang Documentary Featuring Wild Love. Alhurra TV, Public Television, Sept 25, 2021. *Watch Full-Length Doc Below.
September 25, 2021 - Off The Beaten Path: Wild Mustangs. New Wild Horse Documentary Features Wild Love + Challis Wild Horses. Alhurra TV, Public Television. *Note: All Interviews Are In English.
WILD LOVE PRESERVE ADOPTION PROJECT 2012-13. Challis Wild Horses, Central Idaho. Video By Brewster Moseley, January 2013. The BLM’s October 2012 Roundup on the Challis HMA resulted in 167 wild horses being removed. WLP was present and worked to address those removed that would not be adopted by others. Subsequently, WLP adopted 97 Challis wild horses, 22 babies followed, and additional were adopted later bringing the number of permanent residents at Wild Love to 136 in 2014.
Wild Love Preserve relies on grants and donations to do the work we do. Your support directly benefits the preservation of Idaho wild horses in their native habitat and nurtures the health and balance of respective indigenous ecosystems as an interconnected whole. If you believe in the importance of our nation’s native wild horses and wild places, now and for future generations, be the difference you want to see in the world and walk with us today. Special thanks for your heart and action.
GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Nonprofit in 2023 thru 2013. Read Reviews.
Wild Love Preserve is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit, Effective August 2010, Tax ID #27-3729450