On a warm summer eve... Free. Wild. Hearts.
Video filmed and produced by Andrea Maki. ©Andrea Maki 2015
As result of Wild Love Preserve’s collaborative efforts in working with the Challis/Idaho BLM and bringing stakeholder’s together in a new light, we've seen multiple wild success stories with the Challis Wild Horses over the last five years and are incredibly appreciative of those participating.
In 2010 our work began on the range with two wild bands. This is a current video of one of them: the White Mask Stallion, his leading lady Shawnee, Teo, Arapaho, Cochise and her yearling Mojo (with White Mask Stallion). Noticeably missing however is Cochise's other offspring, and Mojo's big brother, two-year old (Little) Red and the son of the magnificent Wild Red Stallion.
Earlier this June the White Mask Stallion, who assumed Wild Red’s band in 2013 after Wild Red succumbed to injuries defending his family from intruding wild bachelors, sent (Little) Red on his way after running him tired for a couple days. There was no room for two main attractions.
While no surprise, still, we are sad to see Red go so soon, but this is the way of the wild.
Red, a mirrored reflection of Wild Red, is a born leader inside and out. There’s no doubt he will return in the future as a powerhouse band leader. Fiery, proud and magnificent in his own right, carrying on a legacy of unfettered wildness.
So, until we meet again, Red... much wild love to you on your life's journey.