Not A Fan Or Apologist
Numerous conversations have followed the Bureau of Land Management's National Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board Meeting from October 2017 in Grand Junction, Colorado. This nine-seat volunteer advisory board is to represent all stakeholders and provides their recommendations in regards to the BLM's methods of management of America's wild horses under the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act.
Recently the conversation was brought to me again, and again I was asked why the Advisory Board was apparently quick to dismiss discussion of Wild Love Preserve's model in addressing all facets of regional wild horse population on home turf. I cannot speak for board members, nor was I able to be in attendance for the October meeting, however, I thought to share my March 2017 response to the Advisory Board, when I was questioned as being an apologist, or fan, of one stakeholder over another.
"I’m not a fan or an apologist of anyone, that is antithetical to the mission of Wild Love Preserve, our all-inclusive approach to nurturing indigenous ecosystems as a balanced whole, and responsibly managing regional wild horse populations on native turf with community engagement and benefit. I don’t find the blame game to be an effective path to opening lines of communication between differing stakeholders. My interest is in engaging in discussions that lead to solutions through listening and mutual respect. This is an accountability project and a humanity project. Wild Love Preserve works with the Bureau of Land Management, cattle ranchers, environmentalists, wildlife biologists, wild horse advocates, youth employment groups and regional communities, offering a mutually viable solution to helicopter roundups and removals. My role over the years, has, in many ways, been that of a moderator. Since 2010, Wild Love Preserve has been fully engaged in collaborative population management, accountability and pro-active programs that involve all stakeholders and address the health and balance of the range and this unique indigenous ecosystem as an interconnected and balanced whole. While differing opinions are a given, mutual respect in negotiations and dealings are integral in establishing common ground. We do not implement tools of litigation, instead, we work face-to-face with all stakeholders, finding compromise between differing perspectives through fluid communications in real-time." -Andrea Maki, March 2017
See WLP focal points below. Learn more about our collaborative range-work at Wild Wilds.
• Success requires fluid co-existence between stakeholders, vested interest by the region, community engagement and benefit.
• Humane, fiscally responsible, sustainable population management, Native PZP-1YR.
• Nurture the legacy of western wild horses in conjunction with all indigenous wildlife species within this unique ecosystem on our public lands.
• Fluid co-existence with livestock where applicable.
• Support a healthy, genetically viable native herd and ecosystem, in a lasting manner for future generations to equally experience, nurture, treasure.
Learn more about the mission of Wild Love Preserve.